Freelance Illustration

Howdy! Welcome to my site. I'm an Asian-American artist studying neural science and linguistics. I like Westerns, FFXIV, and creature design.
These commissions help me fund my tuition and personal expenses.
Thanks for stopping by!*Prices listed are for non-commercial use only. For commercial art, please contact me by email to negotiate payment.

Character Portraits

Fully colored illustrations with a focus on expressing character personality. Poses, outfit, et cetera determined by client.
Prices per character.
Sketch: 25 USD
Line art: 30 USD
Painted render: 40 USD
Sketch: 50 USD
Line art: 60 USD
Painted render: 80 USD
Full body
Sketch: 100 USD
Line art: 120 USD
Painted render: 160 USD
Props, environments, and companion animals come at variable extra charge.

Character/Outfit Design

Illustration page depicting a character and information about them. Includes a few additional sketches as well as written notes of your choosing.Simple sheets with a sketched full body illustration and optional miscellaneous side drawings begin at 120 USD each.
Turnarounds such as for outfit designs begin at 480 USD each.


Fully colored illustrations in which I take more creative liberties such as different art styles, unconventional color schemes, dynamic perspective, et cetera. Waist-up option not available.
Prices per character.
Sketch: 30 USD
Line art: 40 USD
Painted render: 60 USD
Full body
Sketch: 120 USD
Line art: 160 USD
Painted render: 360 USD
Props, environments, and companion animals come at variable extra charge. Specific style requests (such as emulating a prevalent style from a time period or a certain video game's style, etc.) may have a variable extra charge depending on complexity.


You can find me on the following sites!

Terms of Service

I reserve the right to decline a commission request for any reason.Turnaround for commissioned pieces ranges from a week to several months, depending on the complexity of the request and whether I am in classes. Larger art pieces can take up to ten months to complete. Clients can track progress by checking my Trello page, or by contacting me directly to ask questions.
Edits may be requested during the initial sketch phase, before I send the invoice. Afterward, major changes will have an additional charge.
I take payment in full and up front via Paypal invoice sent to your email. The invoice will be made after I complete the initial sketch.The completed piece may be used for any non-commercial purposes.

Character Portraits

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Character & Outfit Design

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